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Generating Energy from waste

Who We Are ?

EM Group is the supplier of integrated waste management, energy-producing and environmental services. EM Group in the sector for 25 years, we have developed a distinctive approach that has helped us to a good position within the waste industry. This approach is underpinned by our commitment to quality of service, innovation and technical progress, together with a genuine and demonstrable concern for the environment. Read More...

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The Earth is surrounded by the atmosphere, which is made up of air. Air is a mixture of gas, and solid and liquid particles. Energy from the sun heats up the atmosphere and the Earth unevenly.


EM GROUP taking advantage of the power of water ,has barrages tha produce energy from hydroelectric. We carry out some new projects in Turkey also international which are in the process of activation.

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With world resources finite, and increasing public awareness of the harmful effects of our ‘throwaway culture’, a move towards what’s known as a circular economy seems a sensible option.


Our total waste management service includes the collection, treatment, recovery, recycling and disposal of non-hazardous waste streams, in addition to dealing with all aspects of hazardous waste, including contaminated waste, clinical and healthcare waste, and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). We also offer additional services, including special event waste management and industrial cleaning services. EM Group produces energy from wastes in Hatay, Kutahya-Tavsanli (4MGW) and Aydin (8MGW). EM Group also has barrages that produce energy from hydroelectric. We carry out some new projects in Turkey also international which are in the process of activation. Read More...